This is a service for those seeking in-depth, specific nutrition interventions to help treat or prevent disease.
It includes a diet assessment helping you identify specific nutrients to focus on for optimal health. Medications are reviewed for potential nutrient interactions and depletion. Potential need for supplementation is evaluated. This service is reimbursable through many insurance plans. Appointments can be face to face or over the phone. Medical Nutrition Therapy can help those seeking nutrition guidance to prevent and help manage many disease processes, including:
- Cardiovascular Disease Prevention or Treatment
- Diabetes Prevention or Treatment
- Irritable Bowel Disease
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Auto-Immune Related Disease
- Thyroid dysfunction
- Cancer Treatment Recovery and Remission
- Annual Wellness Visit Incident
- Overweight or Obesity
- Gout
- Osteoporosis
$160/hour or $40/15 Minutes.
Billable to Insurance.
30% discount for cash payments.
Book an Appointment!
Appointments can be face to face or over the phone.