About Georgia
Georgia Boley MS,RD,LD, CFSP
(For her full bio, click here. )
Georgia Boley is a registered dietitian with 26 years of clinical nutrition experience. In those 26 years of clinical nutrition experience. In those 26 her accomplishments include becoming a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE), The first Wyoming Dietitian to become a Board Certified Specialist in Oncology Nutrition (CSO), and the first dietitian in Wyoming to offer Nutrigenomix Services (eating according to your genes). In addition to private nutrition consulting, Georgia teaches nutrition classes at Sheridan Community College and is the dietitian at Sheridan Senior Center.
“Through my experience I have developed a deep respect and passion for nutrition and its impact on disease prevention as well as treatment. It is my desire here at Journeys Center of Wellbeing to provide nutrition services that lead to improved disease management as well as disease prevention. Success to me means helping clients improve the quality of their lives with nutrition interventions tailored to work for them”.